
"The men who have fallen in our three wars of independence today join forces with the men who have fallen in this war. And we can say to all those who have fallen in our struggles for freedom that at last the time has come for their dreams to be fulfilled."

References to the original: Address by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at Céspedes Park in Santiago de Cuba, on the 1st of January of 1959

"(...) when men and women fight in a country, that country becomes invincible."

References to the original: Address by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at Céspedes Park in Santiago de Cuba, on the 1st of January of 1959

"We will know how to resist any aggression, but that we will know how to overcome any aggression, and that again we would have no other dilemma than that with which we began the revolutionary struggle: that of freedom or death".

References to the original: Speech delivered by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz during the funeral rites honoring the victims from the explosion of La Coubre Vessel, held in Colon cemetery on the 5th day of March 1960
“ […] What has Cuba done to be condemned?  What have the Cuban people done to merit the Declaration of Costa Rica?  Our people have done nothing but break the chains! Our people have done nothing else but fighting for a better future, without hurting any other people or taking anything away from any other people.”
References to the original: Meeting with the people of Cuba, at a National General Assembly, the First Declaration of Havana, which condemns the Declaration of San Jose de Costa Rica, was approved, September 2, 1960

“And in the face of the objective and historically inexorable reality of the Latin American revolution, what is the attitude of US imperialism? To prepare to wage a colonial war with the peoples of Latin America; to create the apparatus of force, the political pretexts and the pseudo-legal instruments signed with the representatives of the reactionary oligarchies to repress with blood and fire the struggle of the Latin American peoples”.

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962
"Of course revolutions don’t take place in a laboratory: they are the work of the masses in the living reality of history, in harsh conditions and in the middle of a ruthless class struggle."
References to the original: Speech given by Fidel Castro in the ceremony held at the Lenin Stadium in Moscow, May 23, 1963.

"The point is that it is not only the warrior what we admire in Che or the man capable of great feats. And what he did, and what he was doing, that fact in itself of facing with only a handful of men an entire oligarchic army, instructed by the Yankee advisers supplied by Yankee imperialism, supported by the oligarchies of all neighboring countries, that fact in itself constitutes an extraordinary feat".

References to the original: Discurso pronunciado en la velada solemne en memoria del Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, en la Plaza de la Revolución, 18 de octubre de 1967