
“And when justice reigns, there will be no revenge. Justice has to prevail today to avoid further attempts of assassination against anyone; and as justice reigns, there will be neither revenge nor hatred. We shall exile hatred from the Republic like an evil shadow that ambition bequeathed to us...”

References to the original: Speeches and Addresses: Speech by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at Céspedes Park, Santiago de Cuba, January 1st, 1959

“Cuba will not be intimidated!, Cuba will not recede!, the Revolution will not stop!, the Revolution will continue its unshakable path! That is our promise, not to those who died, because to die for the homeland is to live, but to the comrades who will always remain in our memories. They will always remain, not in the memory of a man, or men, but in the only memory that can never be erased: the memory in the heart of a people.”

References to the original: Speech delivered during the funeral rites honoring the victims from the explosion of La Coubre Vessel

“The bandits, the international gangsters would be inevitably defeated. Don’t forget that we are in a trench, and that trench has been attacked, that they are trying to mine that trench, that they are trying to introduce the weapons for the assassination plots here, the explosives for sabotage and for crime; so we have to be on guard, as it’s appropriate for the soldiers in the first trench in the world in the fight against Imperialism. ”

References to the original: Speech by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the homage act to the Revolution Newspaper, on the occasion of the prize granted by the International Journalists Organization that took place at the Ambassadors Salon in the Havana

“You know that the tactic, one of the favorite tactics of imperialism, is the assassination of revolutionary leaders. Therefore, we have to live aware of that, and do not give in to it, don’t pay it too much attention.”

References to the original: Speeches and Addresses: Speech by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the closing ceremony of the National Plenary of the Rebel Youth, held in the Payret Theater on October 23, 1961

“Alfa 66, a notorious organization of counter revolutionaries in Miami (is the) organizer, in complicity with the CIA, of assassination plots using potassium cyanide and silencers… Why do they (the CIA) want to prepare so many assassination plots and other things? Now, the thesis of the CIA is that Castro has to be eliminated to achieve moving the Revolution backward, changing the line, achieving that Cuba takes a more moderate position —and in this Alfa, Johnson, CIA, Faría, micro factionalists, the political mafia coincide. And they are illusions. ”

References to the original: Speeches and Addresses: Speech by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the closing ceremony of the First Conference of the Latin-American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS) held in the Chaplin Theater on August 10, 1967

“You will remember how nearly every night aircraft came parachuting arms shipments; you will remember the tens of times when they tried to send them the most modern explosives through our coasts, and they tried to send them all kind of weapons…And the countless assassination plots together with that: assassination attempts on the leaders of the Revolution, conspiracies, plots… In brief, there were so many attempts that we have to feel admiration —how else can you explain it? — that the leaders of the Revolution continue alive. I would say that the leaders of the Revolution are alive today, first of all, because of the hard, intelligent, brave and capable work done by the combatants of the Ministry of Interior.”

References to the original: Speeches and Addresses: Speech by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the Commemorative Act for the Tenth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), held at the Theater of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), on June 6, 1971

“The CIA participated directly in the destruction of the Cubana Airlines plane in Barbados.The must repugnant aspect of this case is the use of mercenaries who, for money, are capable of cutting off in a few seconds the precious lives of 73 defenseless persons, people who had been their fellow passengers in the plane a few minutes earlier”.